Lesson 1: 'Right of way'
- 2 wheel drivers have 'right of way'.
- 4 wheel drivers also think they have 'right of way'.
- Bicycles, commercial vehicles, buses, even the lady in our road pushing a vegetable cart and my wife also thinks they have 'right of way'.
Lesson 2: 'Indicators' and 'Lights'
Indicating left: can mean
- I am about to turn left , I am turning left and nothing will stop me, I have turned left, I have turned left and forgot to cancel it.
- I have seen you and I am slowing down to let you pass......please note this is rarely the reason
- 'What does this 'stick' do?
- 'I love my new car, just look at this!'
Indicating right: can mean
- I am about to turn right, I am turning right and nothing will stop me, I have turned right, I have turned right but forgot to cancel it.
- 'What does this 'stick' do?
- 'I love my new car, just look at this!'
- I have seen you and I am happy to let you overtake.
- I have seen you and I have also seen the car rapidly approaching on the other side of the road but you are really pissing me off, I m happy to let you overtake.
- I have seen you and I have also seen the car rapidly approaching on the other side of the road but if you are ok at driving you will probably manage to squeeze through. I am happy to let you overtake.
Hazzard Lights: can mean
- 'What does this 'button'do?
- 'I love my new car, just look at this!'
Headlights: can be useful.
Lesson 3: Reversing {FOR LADIES ONLY}
- What' that? Oh no I dont do reversing, I have someone that does that for me
Lesson 4: Maintainance of your vehicle
- Tyres: Unfortunately when you buy your vehicle you will find the tyres have tread. This is useful for stopping but means you get less kms to the litre. Bald tyres have less friction with the road surface and so you can save money! Be frugal, silky smooth will save you loads of paise.
- Brakes: Ugh?
Lesson 5: Driving in severe weather conditions including drizzle and bright sunshine.
- Get home as soon as you can. Dont slow down for anything remember you have the right of way. The roads are dangerous when its raining.
Lesson 6: Accidents
- Remember its not your fault!
- Play to the crowd, better acting bigger crowd
- Make sure you do not move your vehicle as it may cause an obstruction to pedestrians
- Have all documents ready...wink wink
- Ensure you phone home and the office, you will be some time...........
- Hit a pedestrian......what pedestrian? Hit a Maruti.......well just shout alot! Hit a Omni van with 20 people inside ....sorry you are on your own! Hit a Mercedes......sorry you are on your own! Hit a foreigner....JACKPOT!
Oh no, this is so true. Last winter when riding motorcycle in India, I was knocked out of the road twice. Luckily nothing worse did not happen.
ReplyDeleteI saw some driving schools in India, do people really use them, and what do they teach there?